Escape, create worlds…
by these montages linking several of my works,
I bring other universes to life…
Gentle touch
The secret life throbs
And unveils itself
Within every being
The pulse…
C. Wuilmet
Grounded in a stifling silence
All these words swell
And fuss and rumble
Cracking certainties
Pounding the soul
C. Wuilmet
Fabulous sensitive heart, vibrant heart,
True heart, heart for the taking,
Beating heart, light heart,
Heavy heart, stitched heart
A heart that beats…
V. Colautti Ivanova
The inside, the outside, the sheet
The envelope, the human…
To touch, to breathe
There they are
Concretions of fear
Wounds by another name
Pierced with light
Open to every option
For us
C. Wuilmet
They stand
Striving to convey the disintegration to come
In the dream
To show
What we cannot see
To express what we cannot say
An elemental vitality
A raw life force.
Bram Van Velde
(rencontres avec Charles Juliet. Ed ; P.O.L)
Witnesses of our humanity
A wealth of materials
Recounting languages
That belong to each layer of the universe
Original scriptures
V. Colautti Ivanova
Rivers are paths that move and carry us wherever we want to go
Pascal, Pensées 1.17
Anchoring oneself in the Earth